A Look Back at Chinese Drywall

Three years after the headlines When the southeastern United States suffered from a shortage of building supplies after several major hurricanes, more than 500 million pounds of drywall came from China to build or repair homes in Florida, Louisiana, andRead The Full Article »

Remodelers’ Lead Paint Claims

Why a Contractors Pollution Liability policy may be necessary One of our prior articles explained that it is highly unlikely that a remodeler’s General Liability policy would respond to a lead paint claim. This is due to prevalence of theRead The Full Article »

Lead Paint Lawsuits Against Remodelers

Are they covered by General Liabiilty? The EPA’s Renovation, Repair, and Painting regulation that went into effect April 22, 2010, created new liabilities for remodelers who fail to comply with work safe practices to eliminate lead paint dust exposure. The detailsRead The Full Article »